Tuesday, June 10, 2008

He never complained

It's easy to complain and moan about things in our daily lives. We all do it. We all shouldn't do it, but we do, it's human nature I guess.

I thought that until I met and got to know Jimmy Montecalvo, who passed away Saturday after a long illness. See, the more I thought about Jimmy, and I have a lot recently especially over the past couple of weeks, the more I thought "Wow, he never complained – about anything!"

And the thing is, if anyone had a right to complain about something it would be Jimmy. Face it, God didn't deal Jimmy a great hand. But Jimmy, an avid golfer, played life where it lied and made the most of everything.

If you only met Jim briefly and didn't know any better, you never would have known he was sick, especially because he always had a smile on his face. Heck, I worked with the guy for almost four years and half the time I forgot how sick he really was because you would never know it by how he acted, what he said and the way he carried himself.

For all of his treatments, shots, surgeries, hospital and doctor visits, Jimmy never complained one time – ever – about how he was feeling.

The next time you go to work, or school or are in a social setting, look around you and take notice of the people who complain about every little thing in their lives, or maybe you are one of those people.

Once you do, think about Jimmy and maybe pass on his story to that person. Then, the next time, maybe they or you, won't complain about life's little things so much and instead you can come to appreciate them.

I know that is the one thing I took away from knowing Jimmy, and it's something that will stay with me for a lifetime.

We'll miss you, Jimmy. God bless you and your family.

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